Routine Vibration Monitoring

Vibration data capturing is done with the use of the very highly rated CSI vibration hand held data collectors that enables the technician to do detailed FFT analysis with regard to the frequencies that were generated during data capturing. Common report information that is compiled is the condition of the alignment, imbalance, coupling wear and defects, bearing condition, lubrication, process related problems i.e. impeller vanepass, cavitation or starvation, gear mesh defects, electrically induced vibration, rotor bar defects, stator lamination faults, to name but a few.
The 1ST line monitoring that is performed is done with the use of vibration equipment to trend the overall vibration levels generated over certain frequency bandwidths. Whatever process indicators accompany the monitoring and any other readings such as temperature, pressure, motor current etc. is available on the machines own instrumentation. The intensity of the analysis is less severe than that of detailed FFT as discussed in previous paragraph. The time required to perform this type of monitoring is therefore less labor intensive, as a result the cost for this type of monitoring is cheaper.

The core of our business is based on routine monitoring of equipment for our customers, using all the previously mentioned methods and techniques. This service provides our customers with frequent information regarding the health of their machinery.

For most of the services we offer our staff travel to site where they gather the information that needs to be analyzed, using specialized equipment to do so. The information is then analyzed off site, and a report is generated with regard to recommendations on action to be taken on the relevant machinery.

Each machine is analyzed individually and compared to previous history available on the condition monitoring database. During the initial start-up phase of the programme the data is compared to other similar pieces of equipment that we have in our history database as well as machines in use currently on our database at other installations.
Once all the data for the task has been compiled into an easy to understand format, the report is hand delivered and discussed with the relevant person or persons that have been appointed by your company to take charge of corrective action for the various machinery that is monitored.
Special emphasis is placed on communication channels, to ensure that the entire loop is complete. Before the next survey is conducted, feedback as to action that was taken on recommendation after the last survey is discussed with the person that is in charge of the programme at your company.
The report of the work that was recommended during each survey is filed and kept on site, with you as the custodian.

At all times the information that is captured on your site is treated with utmost confidentiality. When reference is made as to condition of machine compared to another at a different site, the name of your company will not be used without your consent.

An example of a Vibration report follows: (Report remains unaltered)